We had a great time at the event last night. The spin instructor, Rachel, who by day, is a school teacher and is a fan of Major Taylor, was a perfect fit for the event. She expanded our grueling 45 minute clas
s to an hour, thus removing any guilt we may have had about the post ride Cheer at Harry’s Tap Room.
The event was held at Rip Fit in Blue Bell. This was an excellent venue. Our information was on the monitors at the front of the room. A variety of screens made sure the team was meeting its goals by easy to read color coded charts. The down side is that everyone could tell when I w
asn’t in the green.
and we could see where we were in the pack based on our cycling avatar’s position. At the end of the class, each participant was emailed their spin stats.
Everyone who attended the class agreed we should do it again. Ripfit gave all the attendees a coupon for another 3 free classes.

Keep an eye on the Club calendar for our next Spin!